7 Things to Know About Winter in Idaho Falls

If you’re thinking about moving to Idaho Falls, or to eastern Idaho in general, winter is probably one thing you have some questions (and probably some concerns) about! That is totally normal, because I get those questions all the time!

So, here’s a few things I think everyone should know about winter in Idaho Falls/Idaho in general!

While it may be inching toward spring in some places, we are definitely still in winter over here around Idaho Falls. The days are usually sunny and temperatures are warming up slightly (we’re in the 20s and 30s most days!), but don’t be fooled, we’ll probably get another snow storm next week. That’s winter here!

1. Winter is pretty harsh here

I know this one is probably obvious, but that’s why it’s first! Winters in Idaho are definitely cold and snowy. “Winter” also lasts pretty much anywhere from November-ish to March/April-ish. Usually the snow is pretty much gone by the end of March timeframe, but sometimes we’ll get a random snowstorm in April or May (it doesn’t really stick, but it does happen!). Just know, winter can be long here, and usually by March and April everyone that lives here is over it and ready for spring. But the fact that spring and summer and fall are so beautiful here makes up for it!

I do personally like the winter in Idaho, and it’s nice having so many activities to do in the winter, but just know winter does get a little long and it’s definitely cold and snowy for a good part of it!

2. Winter temperatures

If you’re wondering what temperatures are like here in the winter, highs are usually anywhere from 20s to 30s (like they are now!), and lows can be anywhere from 5 degrees to -10. It varies and of course depends on what storms are coming through. A few weeks ago (this was around the beginning of January) a storm came through eastern Idaho and the low with wind chills that day was about -30 degrees. Days like that not many people leave the house, but days like that are pretty rare and it usually doesn’t get that cold! I’d say a normal winter day around Idaho Falls is usually anywhere from 5 to 25 degrees. (And when the sun is out, it really isn’t too bad, I promise!)

3. First snow of the winter

Usually, we’ll see the first snow in Idaho Falls around the middle to end of October. However, the snow typically doesn’t start sticking until mid November or so. So just be prepared, you might need to dress warm on Halloween!

The good news is, we pretty much always have a white Christmas! It hasn’t always snowed on Christmas, but there’s always snow on the ground. It makes for such a nice, cozy Christmas!

4. The days are short in the winter

Winter days are short in Idaho! Around Christmas, it gets dark around 4:30-5 pm. I know a lot of people don’t like that, but I honestly kind of do (it just feels cozy!). But either way, whether you like the shorter days or not, it does get dark early here in the winter, so that will be something you’ll have to deal with. (On the upside, though, the sun doesn’t set until 10 pm in the summer!)

5. Most roads are plowed

During the winter months, most roads in town are plowed. It’s mostly tiny towns and smaller neighborhoods that might not be plowed (and in a lot of those cases, the people who live in those towns or neighborhoods help plow). If you’re looking at moving to Idaho Falls, Ammon, Pocatello, or right around there, you shouldn’t need to worry about the roads being plowed.

6. You’ll see people driving their snowmobiles around

If you’re driving around and see someone driving their snowmobile down the street, that’s a totally normal thing here in the winter, especially in those smaller towns and neighborhoods like I mentioned above!

7. Wait to wash your car

There’s really no point in washing your car during the winter! Your car will always be dirty during the winter in Idaho Falls, but as soon as you wash it it’s just going to snow or get muddy all over again, so you might as well wait for the weather to get nicer!

I know all of these might sound like cons, but I really do like winters in Idaho! Another great thing is that we have so many fun things to do in the winter, and making the best of it really does help enjoy it until spring hits.

Hope that helps give you more insight into what winter in Idaho Falls is like!

Rather watch the video version of this? I have it right here!


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