What to Know Before Moving to Idaho

Thinking about moving to Idaho? I don’t blame you - Idaho is literally the best place ever to live, in my opinion! Of course, there’s a LOT that goes into a decision to move somewhere, and it’s important to be aware of all the factors before deciding. So, I’ve broken down a few important things to know before moving to Idaho, so you can make the best (informed) decision for you and your family!

Here’s a few things you should know if you’re thinking about moving to Idaho! Keep in mind, I live in Southeastern Idaho (around the Idaho Falls area), so obviously some things will vary depending on what part of the state you’re in. But in general, most of these things are pretty true for all of Idaho and our culture here!

  1. Faith, family, and freedom

Those are the three main values that people here live by, and we like it that way - which is why Idaho is such a big draw for a lot of people! Family, church, and our core rights are very important here, so if that’s something you don’t completely agree with, living in Idaho might not be a great fit.

2. Idaho weather

We pretty much experience all four seasons here in Idaho, and depending on what part of the state you live in, the weather can be a little extreme! Here in Southeastern Idaho, the summer temperatures can get into the 90s, but we still get a decent amount of snow in the winter. We also have beautiful falls and springs, too! In northern Idaho, the weather can be a little bit crazier, with very cold winters and extreme snow. (We do border Canada to the North, after all!)

3. Nightlife

If nightlife is something that’s important to you…well, Idaho might not be the place for you. Boise is the biggest city in Idaho (on the western side of the state), so there is a bit of nightlife and entertainment opportunities there, but in general, nightlife isn’t really something that’s a big priority for people here. A lot of the towns here are smaller farming communities, so nightlife just isn’t something that’s hugely present here. (Don’t think that means we don’t have good restaurants though, because personally we have a lot of really good places to eat out here!)

4. Soda shops

This one might be a little funny, but it’s true. People in Idaho (especially here in Southeastern Idaho) loves their soda, and their soda shops. There’s practically one on every street. They’re amazing (but not great if you’re trying to cut back on drinking soda like me)!

5. Idaho wildlife

A big draw to living in Idaho is the wildlife! We have some beautiful wildlife here, but it’s also important not to forget that our animals are WILD. Be aware when you go out hiking, fishing, or hunting, because we do have bears, mountain lions, moose, and more that can be dangerous.

6. Idaho people are very independent

Like I said - people in idaho value their freedoms, and they don’t like anyone messing with that! Again, that’s a big reason people want to come here. During the pandemic, for example, you rarely saw people wearing masks, and life stayed pretty normal here. Idaho doesn’t really care what’s going on in other states - Idaho does what Idaho wants, and the people here love it and live by that!

SO - if you’ve been thinking about moving to Idaho, I hope this helps to give you some insight on what life and people here are like!

If this excites you, though, and you are thinking about moving here, I’d love to help answer any questions you have! Feel free to send me a message here or email me at rebecca.witt@exprealty.com.

Until next time - thanks for reading!

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