Getting My Idaho Real Estate License

Well, I know I started off my last post with “it’s been a while…” and here we are again. I promise I want to start blogging consistently again! The truth is, it’s just been a liiiitle hectic around here lately. Between getting settled in from our move, staying home with a baby (he’ll be 6 months old later this month, I can’t believe it!), and doing my continuing education requirements to maintain my real estate license in Nevada, I’ve also been working on getting my real estate license in Idaho!

Recently I’ve been talking to a few agents about getting licensed in another state (when I already have a real estate license in one), and I jumped on Instagram stories the other day to talk through it, but I thought I’d write it all out in case anyone is interested in reading about it too. So, here’s what my experience has been like getting my real estate license in Idaho on top of my existing Nevada license!

How to Get a Real Estate License in Multiple States

First of all - just gonna throw a little disclaimer out there - this has obviously just been my experience in Idaho and Nevada. Luckily, Idaho waives a lot of the usual requirements if you’re already actively licensed in another state, so that made things much easier for me. Of course, I’m sure it can vary a lot depending on what state you’re in! Be sure to look into each state’s rules and requirements for getting licensed before you take my word for it!

Getting My Idaho Real Estate License

Like I said, I already have an active real estate license in Nevada, so luckily this process in Idaho has been pretty simple for me! Here’s a quick breakdown of what I had to do:

  1. Request a certified license history from the Nevada Real Estate Division.

  2. Submit an exam waiver request form to the Idaho Real Estate Commission, along with my license history from Nevada. This is so they could waive the national real estate exam requirement, since I had already taken and passed that when I got my Nevada license.

  3. Register for and pass the Idaho state real estate exam.

  4. Get fingerprints taken (you can do that at the Pearson exam center when you go to take your test, and they do it electronically and send it to the real estate commission so you don’t have to worry about it).

  5. Once I passed the Idaho state exam, I could finally apply! I got the official application from the Idaho Real Estate Commission’s website and filled it out. With it, I also had to send them:

    • A copy of my high school diploma

    • A copy of my driver’s license

    • My certified license history from Nevada

    • A check for the application fee ($160)

  6. Once that was all put together, I mailed it out to the Commission!

From there, the Commission will approve your license and put it on “inactive” status. Then you’ll talk to your brokerage, have them officially bring you on, and put your license on “active” status.

Once that’s done, you’ll join your Association of REALTORS® so you can get your access to the MLS!

And that’s it! I know it might seem like a lot of steps, but it was honestly way easier than getting my license the first time around. Like I mentioned, Idaho waives a few of the usual requirements if you’re already actively licensed in another state, so that helped things along a lot! Normally, you’re required to take 90 hours of pre-licensing education (I think that’s pretty typical for most states), but since I had already done that when I got licensed in Nevada, that was waived. The national portion of the real estate exam was also waived because I had already taken and passed that. So those two things being waived took away a lot of stress!

Anyway - if you’ve been thinking about getting licensed in multiple states or were curious about how that whole process works, I hope this helped in some way! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message and I’d be happy to help however I can!


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