Life Update: We’re Moving to Idaho!

Well guys, it’s been a while. There’s a lot I need to catch you up on! I’ve got some big news…

We’re moving to Idaho!

For the last few years we’ve wanted to move to Idaho, but it was always “someday” or “hopefully in a few years.”

Honestly, the last year has been pretty tough for us and we’ve been praying hard for clarity. Safe to say we got it, because two weeks ago we were feeling so stuck and now we’re packing up, in escrow on a new house, and moving to Idaho Falls next week.

This has been a crazy fast life change, too - a few weeks ago my husband, Bryce, randomly came across an incredible job opening at a company we’re a big fan of. In addition to real estate, we also own a media company, so applying for jobs wasn’t really something that was on our radar, but we thought “what the heck” and he applied anyway. The next day, he had a video interview with them, and the next week they flew us all up to Idaho Falls so he could meet with them in person. That same night he got the job offer!

It’s so crazy how life works out. After so much time spent questioning and telling ourselves we just had to keep having faith, it was all working out, everything is finally falling into place and it’s crazy now to see how everything was leading to this. Being able to literally feel God working in your life is the best.

Idaho, we’re ready for you! We’re so so excited for this life for our family and to start our next chapter!

I also just made a video on my YouTube channel talking more about what this means for us! You can watch that here:


Getting My Idaho Real Estate License


6 Tips for Moving to a New City