6 Tips for Moving to a New City

Between packing up everything in your house, coordinating move out and move in dates, finding a new place to live, and trying to stay sane through it all, moving can definitely be stressful, to say the least! Throw in moving to a new city, and I don’t blame you for going a little crazy during the process. I’ve done my fair share of moving over the years, from new cities just to different houses, so I thought it would be helpful to share some tips on how to make the process easier. Here’s some of my top tips for moving to a new city!

Do Your Research

Living somewhere can be a lot different than just visiting. If you’ve been thinking about moving to a new city, it goes without saying that you should try to spend as much time there as you can before packing up and moving. But either way, do your research! Look into different areas of the city, what the culture is like, what locals say about living there - as much information as you can find! Prepare yourself for what your new city is going to be like as much as you can, so the transition will be that much easier once you actually get there.

(And if moving to Las Vegas is on your mind, I just wrote a post all about my pros and cons of living in Las Vegas here!)

Explore Your Neighborhood

One of the biggest parts of moving to a new city is getting to know your new neighborhood! If you’re thinking about living in a particular area, drive around and get to know everything that’s around there. Find your new grocery store, coffee shop, takeout place, and more! Those are going to be your new go-to places, so get an idea of where they are and what they’re like early on!

Have a Moving Checklist

When it’s time to actually move, make sure you’re not missing any important steps! This usually looks like things like:

  • Changing your address and forwarding your mail

  • Transferring utilities (electricity, internet, trash, etc.)

  • Cancelling local subscriptions (like the gym) and signing up for new ones if you want

  • Scheduling your move

  • Going through your things and getting rid of items you don’t need

  • Coordinating travel plans to get to your new city

Don’t Be Afraid to Get (Professional) Help

Friends offering to help you move are great, but at a certain point, it’s probably not the best idea to try to move without some professional help. Whether it’s because you have some big items to move or it’s too hard to coordinate loading and unloading a moving truck in a different city all on your own, don’t be afraid to hire some professional help. Muscle Movers Las Vegas is one business that I’ve heard great things about. When these Las Vegas residential movers help, they literally do almost everything for you, including providing the packing materials, packing your entire household, delivering and unpacking it (complete with rolling out the red carpet, literally!), and even giving you organizational tips and checklists to make sure nothing is missed in your new home.


It might seem like an unnecessary expense, but once you’ve moved once or twice, I don’t think I’m the only one that feels completely over it! This way, you can leave it to a professional and don’t have to worry about packing or friends breaking something or getting hurt. I’m sure they’ll thank you!

Try New Things

Even if you already know people in your new city, moving is a big change, and trying new things can really help you feel more at home. It might be hard at first, but think about trying something like going to a fitness class or joining a local mom’s group to explore new places and meet new people in your city! The more things you try and the more you get out of your comfort zone (as painful as it might seem), the faster you’ll feel less intimidated and more at home in your new surroundings.

Give Yourself Time

Moving to a new city is a big change, and it will take time to get settled and to feel at home there! Keep this in mind, and give yourself time. Don’t worry if you don’t feel completely comfortable after only a few weeks (or even months!). Everyone has their own pace, and finding yourself in new surroundings can be a shock for anyone. Like I said - get to know your area and try new things as much as you can, and before you know it, you’ll feel more and more at home.

So - if you’re moving to a new city, I’m rooting for you! It’s a big to-do, but hopefully these tips will help make the whole process a lot smoother!

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